· DMS is a management system for maintaining information in a systematic manner which is widely used in Automobile industry.
· It is used for maintain records of different dealership in automobile.
- Tracking vehicle inventory for eg. Where the vehicle is in actual position.
- Tracking sales (Show the performance of the individual)
- Finance and insurance calculations (Helps in EMI calculation.)
- Tracking customers (in case of any repeat sale of the vehicle to the same customer and customer follow up)
- Accounting
- Managing dealer website
- Calculating employee commissions
- Purchase order tracking
- Work order management
DMS is widely used in Automobile Industry because it helps for tracking the walk-in or telephonic enquires of a dealership because it is an interlinked or a centralized record/ information keeping system.
It helps for keeping records of the a customer from the time of his/her enquiry about vehicle till the delivery and the post delivery period of the vehicle.
DMS used in Maruti Suzuki :
· Maruti implemented Dealers Management System (DMS) on 16th Nov 2009.